The Difference between Normal and Abnormal loss is as follows:
Normal loss is the loss that occurs due to the nature of the goods consigned. Its nature is as follows:
- It occurs due to unavoidable reasons.
- It is due to natural causes such as losses due to evaporation, normal leakage, spoilage, breakdown, drying etc.
- It forms the part of cost of goods sold.
- It is taken into account only when unsold stock is to be valued.
- It is not shown in the consignment account.
- No entry is passed in the books regarding the normal loss.
Value of unsold stock= {Total cost of goods consigned/ (Total Quantity sent-quantity of normal loss)}*Unsold Quantity
Abnormal Losses may arise due to mishap, mischief and inefficiency. This loss is not natural and can be avoided with proper care. Its nature is as follows:
- It is unnatural and avoidable.
- It arises due to reasons like fire, riot, flood, theft, road accident etc.
- In case of abnormal loss, the value of stock is not inflated.
- It is calculated after taking into consideration the proportionate expenses incurred on it.
AVOIDABLE | Normal loss cannot be avoided. | Abnormal Loss is avoidable o account of precautions. |
CAUSES | This loss is due to nature of the goods such as evaporation, loss of weight, drying etc. | This loss arises due to external reasons like loss by theft, fire, carelessness etc. |
CALCULATIONS | This loss is not calculated separately. | Value of abnormal loss is calculated in the same manner as the value of stock on consignment. |
INSURANCE | Normal loss cannot be insured. | Abnormal loss can be insured. |
JOURNAL ENTRIES | No separate journal entries are posted to show the normal loss. | Proper journal entries are required to be made to treat the abnormal loss in consignor’s books. |
ADJUSTMENTS | The value of remaining goods/ units is inflated by the cost of such loss as under: Value of closing stock= {Total Cost/ (Total quantity- normal loss quantity)}* unsold stock | The value of abnormal loss is credited to consignment account in order to calculate the normal profit or loss on consignment. |
TREATMENT IN ACCOUNTS | Cost of normal loss is borne by remaining goods. | Cost of abnormal losses is not borne by remaining goods. |
PART OF COST | It is treated as a part of cost. | It is charged to profit and loss account not being treated as a part of cost. |