Difference between double and single entry system
Before understanding the difference between Double & Single entry System, both concepts should be understood:
Single Entry System in accounting is a system in which the proprietors or the firms do not follow specific rules of double entry system to maintain accounts. It is an Incomplete Record of Accounts. The accounts are maintained as per the convenience of the users.
Double entry system is a system under which each transaction is regarded to have two-fold aspects and both the aspects are recorded to obtain the complete record of dealings. It is based on the rule that debit should be equal to the credit.
Luca Friar Pacioli is known as the originator of the Double entry system. He has written the book ‘Summa de arithmetica geometrica proportioni et proportionalita’ on the Double entry book keeping system.

INFORMATION | Single entry system is an incomplete method. In some cases both and in other cases only one or no aspect is recorded. | Double entry system provides complete financial information as both aspects of a transaction are recorded. |
COST | The accounts in this system are maintained at lesser cost as the number of accounts maintained is lesser. | It is costly method of recording the transactions. Some businessmen feel it as luxury. |
KNOWLEDGE OF ACCOUNTING PRINCIPLES | Any individual can keep the accounts according to his choice and convenience. | Experienced accountants are required to record the transaction in this system. |
ACCURACY OF BOOKS | It is not possible to check the accuracy of books in the single entry system. | The accuracy of books can be easily checked to a great extent by preparing a trial balance. |
NUMBER OF ACCOUNTS | Only personal accounts and cash book is maintained | All types of personal, real and nominal accounts are prepared. |
FINANCIAL POSITION | In the absence of reliable balance sheet, financial position cannot be found out easily. | Exact financial position can be ascertained from the balance sheet. |
CHANCES OF FRAUD | The accounts can be easily manipulated in single entry system. It increases the chances of fraud. | Errors of omission and commission can be easily detected in double entry system, it minimizes the chances of fraud. |
UTILITY | This system may be used only in small business concerns. | This system is suitable for all types of businesses, whether big or small. |
PROOF | In case of disputes, the accounts prepared on single entry system are not considered as reliable and are not treated as evidence in the court of law. | In case of disputes, the accounts prepared on double entry system are treated as evidence in the court of the law. |
COMPARISON | In Single Entry System it is not possible to compare the financial results. | In Double Entry System, accounting results may easily be compared and provide useful data for decision making. |
SECRECY | In Single Entry System, It is easy to keep the accounts secret as the number of accounts prepare is limited. | Because of the involvement of many persons, it is difficult to maintain secrecy. |
PROFIT OR LOSS | The knowledge of true profit or loss is difficult and unreliable too, in single entry system. | True and reliable profit and loss can be ascertained in double entry system. |
EVOLUTION | Single Entry System is an old and stagnant system. | Double Entry System is progressive and evolutionary system. It is improving with the passage of time. |
TAX ASSESSMENT | The accounts maintained under Single Entry System are not acceptable to taxation authorities. | Sales tax and Income Tax authorities reply upon the accounts prepared on double entry system. |
PREPARATION OF TRIAL BALANCE | Trial balance is not prepared. | Trial balance is prepared. |
SUBSIDIARY BOOKS | Usually cash book is prepared. | Various subsidiary books are prepared like Cash book, Sales book, Purchases book, Purchase return book, Sales return book etc. |
ADJUSTEMNTS | No adjustments are made due to incomplete records. | Adjustments are made at the time of preparing final accounts. |