Consumer research is often needed to ensure that the companies produce what customers want and not what the companies think. Consumer research is the part of market research where the preferences, perception, habits, motivations, and buying behavior of the targeted customer are identified. It may identify through direct observation, mail surveys, telephone or face-to-face interviews, and from published sources.
Consumer research is the activities performed to gathering the information about consumers’ needs and preferences, especially in relation to a particular product or service. It is based on consumer habits and uses, attitudes, retention, and new product acceptance which help the marketer to understand the consumer and to improve marketing strategies. The important 11 methods of researching customer are narrated below:
- Introductory approach : This is the most common method of approach followed by salesman in which the salesman likes a gentleman. It is one of the most suitable method for the salesman representing big and prestigious organization, because customers pay much importance to well reputed firms. Such an approach fails to gain favorable attention if the company is not known to prospect customer
- Product Approach : This method consisting of handling over the product to the prospect customer so that it will appeal to his senses, because many times people like to see, smell, hear and touch the product before giving any opinion. This will enable the person to examine the product and its features correctly. This method is more suitable where product intended for sale is popular, eye-catching and attractive.
- Curiosity Approach : In this case the salesman tries to make an appeal to the curiosity instinct of the prospect and get immediate action. He writes curious sentences either on the business card or on a slip to attract the prospect’s attention. However, this approach sometimes annoys the prospect who may reject the appeal out rightly.
- Question approach : The use of questions is an art itself. In this method, the salesman asks certain questions to get the permission for an interview with the prospect. The questions asked by the salesman must be suitable and specific and also match the requirements of the prospects.
- Premium approach : Human psychology is such that if something is received for nothing, people accept it gladly. Therefore, this salesman presents small gifts, like pencils, ash trays, toys, calendars and diaries to prospects to impress them. Moreover, these small gifts also create goodwill about the firm, the salesman and his products. So this is the one of effective method of securing the confidence and interest of the prospect, because the presentation of a gift creates an obligation on the part of the prospect to have a whole hearted discussion.
- Consumer-benefit approach : As the very name implies, this method is the best one from the point of view of the consumer or the prospect. In this method, the salesman points out one or more advantages of the product that will benefit the prospect.
- Survey approach : Under this method, the salesman conducts a survey about a prospect before approaching him. Thus, the salesman is able to pint out the real needs of the prospect and creates interest in the sales talk. By knowing the needs or the prospects beforehand, he is able to present his sales talk in an effective manner. However, survey must be proper and free from business. Mere guesswork and imagination may prove unsatisfactory.
- Shock Approach : This is another method of approach where the salesman prefers to shock the prospect by indicating the element of fear. It may be fear of old age, death, sickness, fire, theft and the like that have deeper and greater concern in one’s life. This makes the prospect to think about reality and take necessary action. The prospect being afraid of future. may take the goods or services of salesman seriously. Insurance agents catch the and create interest of a prospect by following this method.
- Compliment approach : Appreciations, praise, applause and compliments are good tools of the opening interview. Therefore, some salesman uses these tools while approaching the prospects if they deserve so. This is known as minimum courtesy. However, too much compliments leads to flattery and salesman’s tricks may fail.
- Showmanship approach : Under this method, the salesman presents his goods and sales talk in a dramatic manner, because some prospects like it. However, this method is applicable in selected cases only, particularly with women folk and rural customers.
- Reference approach : In this method, the salesman opens the interview by referring to a friend of a buyer. By naming the prospect’s friend, a salesman secures recognition and prestige and is able to open the interview on a more personal and friendly basis.